Segments and Requirements

Opening Number: (Delegates are not Judged here)
All contestants will perform together in an opening number which may be in the form of a dance routine. The music will be chosen and choreographed by Miss Ebony World subcommittee. This opening number will set the tone for the competition and the entire evening’s event. Right after this,
Introduction: (10 Points)
Contestants will briefly introduce themselves by mentioning a salutation, their name, age, country, profession and platform
Platform/Western Gown: (30 pt) 3 min
Each contestant is allowed three minutes to discuss the platform in which they’d like to educate the community on and it should be presented in a western gown. Ensure that you choose a platform in which you are well versed in, and that you dress modest and appropriately.
Performing Talent: (10 points) 3 min
The talent appearance has always been an integral part of the Miss Ebony World Pageant. It is in this segment that the true Ebony is displayed in whatever talent performance the contestant exhibits. It can be a chosen talent or a combination of talents e.g. (Singing, drawing, dancing, drumming, dramatizing etc)
A member of the committee is required to see talent at least 3 weeks before show.
This is your opportunity to shine! Each contestant is allotted 3 minutes to demonstrate whatever talent that they so choose.
Please pay special attention to the content of the talent performance as it should be something that the audience can appreciate. It should also be appreciated overseas as a wide audience listens to the pageant via the World Wide Web.
Chaperones should speak with stage management ahead of time to ensure proper and smooth execution of the talent, if props are involved. They should also assist with the layout of the props. Please remember that Human props are not allowed.
Please ensure that music is well recorded and in sequence, if music is involved.
*Descriptions: A type written description of Talent is required and would be read before contestant appear on stage. (Description will be read by a person selected by the committee) Write up and music should be sent to 9785720940 on the 1st of August 2020 no later than 1:00pm.
Music should be in mp3 format
(All those who would be coming on stage to assist with props are required to wear White)
Evening Gown/ African Haute Couture: (10 pt) 2 min
Take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your personal style in an elegant full-length evening gown! Your statement making gown will be what you are crowned in if you should be chosen as the winner so be sure to chose something timeless. Judges are rating you based on style, elegance, and poise while you rock this western-fashion design.
- Style & fit of clothing
- Appropriate accessories
- Makeup and hairstyle
- Dress well made
- Creativity
- Originality – not a recently worn dress
- Creativity of the dress
- Modeling
- Carriage
- Confidence
- Grace
- Style and variety of poses.
- Overall finished look.
- Contestant’s overall look.
- Contestant looks admirable.
Administration Point: (10 pt)
All contestants are subjected to follow administrative rules and regulations. Anyone who does not follow rules and regulations will loose point. During orientation and rehearsal all contestants must follow instructions and no one should leave the building. Therefore all contestants MUST come prepared and ready for the pageant weekend. NO EXCUSES!
On-Stage Question (10 pt): 30 sec
Only the top five and top 3 will answer the On-Stage Questions. The answer should be clear and precise.
Personal Interview (10 pt) 5 min
All contestants will dress in a business attire, beauty queen looking ready to spend 5 min one on one interview with the judges on Friday to share why they are ready for this job. The judges will only ask questions relay to your platform and you. Be ready to share with the judges who you are.
May I fund-raise, or seek sponsors?
Seeking sponsors and fundraising are perfectly acceptable in this competition. In fact it is a great way to spread the word about the pageant throughout the community!
Am I required to stay at the hotel?
Yes. One of the goal of the pageant is to create a Sisterhood and bonding among contestants, staying together in the same hotel during pageant week help facilitate that process.
Miss Ebony World Most Humanitarian
Every delegate, as part to her humanitarian work, is required to request and put aside humanitarian supplies (not money) to be donated in Africa by the winner
More questions?
If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, please feel free to contact the director vial Call us at 9785720940